Marxism: An Introductory Reaffirmation
Marxism is a systematic critique of political economy based upon a materialist analysis of the development of economy, industry and society over the course of human history. Marxism is amoral; that is, it does not make claims as to what should or should not happen, but rather, what will or will not happen based upon the conditions that have existed and currently exist within society. Marxism posits that the movement of human history is determined by the struggle that occurs between the various economic and social classes that have existed throughout the various periods of human society (plebeians and patricians in Ancient Rome, Lords and Serfs in Medieval Europe and Feudal Asia, and, in our society, the struggle between proletarians and the bourgeoisie). The struggle that occurs in the modern world between proletarians (workers) and the bourgeoisie (owners) is a struggle which only has two outcomes; the victory of the proletariat and the abolition of capitalism, or the vict...