Brief Explorations into Faith
Queerness Queerness is the rejection of all binding particulars in favor of the Universal. It rejects the fanatical relativism of modernity, while at the same time embracing free flowing desire as an expression of Universal Truth. Free flowing desire isn’t just any desire. It is a desire that refuses to be imprisoned within the artificial categories of this world, a desire that refuses to be divided, and as such, a desire that fully embraces the idea that truth is by necessity revolutionary. In this way, free flowing desire is dogmatically anti-authoritarian, and it can only be anti authoritarian by embracing a totalitarian dedication to said truth. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” (John 1:1). Implication: follow the word, and you are with God. So long as you continue to follow the Word, you cannot stray from God. To be queer is to be other. It is to be foriegn, alien, unknown, a stranger in a strange land… it is to renounce al...