An Open Letter to My Comrades
With the United States general election arriving soon, we all must remember what it is we are fighting for, and who our enemies are. We must stand firm and hold the line. The bourgeoisie and the left wing of capital will do everything in their power to bend us, twist us, corrupt us and break us. They will employ every tactic, every strategy, every method at their disposal in order to silence us, suppress us, or render us functionally passive. No matter what, it must be remembered that no matter who wins, the proletariat will lose unless we take quick and decisive actions against the forces of capital.
Though the bourgeoisie seems divided, this division is completely artificial; it is a front put up to distract us from the real and pressing issue at hand. No matter how different they may seem, both the Democratic and Republican parties share the same interests, are controlled by the same class, and funded by the same people. Through their cunning, the progressive wing of the bourgeoisie has, as they have many times in the past, managed to infiltrate our ranks and sow the seeds of counter revolution amongst our people. However, through their intentional misuse of ideas such as harm reduction and their empty appeals to “pragmatic politics,” they have unwittingly revealed themselves. For who, exactly, would, in the long run, be harmed “less” by a democratic president than a republican president? Would a democratic president somehow end police brutality? Would a democratic president end the War on Drugs? What about the climate crisis? How can a candidate who wants to give 400 million more dollars to the police really reduce police violence? How will a candidate who supports fracking end - or even improve - the climate crisis? Certainly a candidate who supports the police, the war on drugs, and harmful industrial activity cannot have the best interests of the people in mind? So who, then, will be harmed less by a democratic president? The same people who push for such a president; the progressive bourgeoisie.
So then, when the left wing agents of capital speak of harm reduction, they do not have the people in mind. They do not have you, or me, or any of us in mind. They have in mind the progressive bourgeois, for that is who they serve (whether they know it or not).
I will repeat again what I said in the opening of this letter; remember who the enemy is. Remember what you are fighting against, and why you are fighting against it. Do not fall for the deceptions of the opportunists, who would have you believe that a revolution would do more harm than good, that we must “wait for the right moment.” When will the “right moment” come? How will we know when it has come? It won’t, and we can’t. There is no such thing as “the right moment.” There is only now. The truth of the matter is that people are angry. Such an anger is by nature revolutionary, because it asks for no concessions and gives no terms. But the opportunists don’t like that. That is why they, from day one, have been working tirelessly to capture the anger of the downtrodden and direct it in places that would benefit them; a small reform here and there, maybe a few campaigns. But, unfortunately for them, such a method cannot work forever. Eventually, people will begin to see that they are being lied to. Eventually, they will realize that the left wing opportunists are no different from the establishment bourgeois, and they will devour them.
And with that in mind comrades, don’t lose hope. The future looks dark, but not all is lost. The path to freedom is narrow and treacherous, but we will succeed. It will require enormous strength and an iron will; strength I know we have, and a will that I know we possess. Freedom may come tomorrow, or it may come years from now, but always remember that it will come.
However, that doesn’t mean that we should sit around doing nothing in the meantime, for there is work to be done. Across the nation people are rising, and we are rising with them. So if you can, take to the streets! Bring the gears of society to a halt! Bring the capitalists to their knees, and don’t spare the guillotine!
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