Schizo-Eroticism: A Militant Queer Manifesto


Who We Are

The queer militant is the one who has liberated her body from the shackles of guilt, or the one who is in the process of doing so. She is the one who lives a life of liberated desire that is in a constant state of becoming, desire that never ceases to produce revolutionary machinations. For her, desire “has escaped the impasse of private fantasy” and has manifested in reality as an anti identitarian revolutionary struggle that she lives every waking hour of her life (Guattari, Chaosophy, 43). 

The queer militant is the one who doesn’t bow to identity categories or pseudo scientific justifications for queerness; she does not look to science, or anything for that matter, to justify her existence and the existence of queerness; she simply exists. Her existence itself is justification enough.

In my essay Queer Futures, I painted a portrait of queerness in general and universal queer revolt. I said what we aim to destroy, what we are against, what we negate. However, a negation alone is not enough, for negation which is not followed by affirmation means nothing. It is here that I will finish the job. This is what we, as queer militants, do stand for. This is who we are.


Zealous Anti-Capitalists

We are opposed to all that commodifies, all that quantifies, all that labels human desire. We are vehement advocates for the abolition of class society and the immediate overthrow of the ruling bourgeois class, which keeps an iron fist wrapped around desire and all the ecstasy that comes with it. We are zealous advocates for global - and eventually interplanetary - communism. This is not a demand we are making, but rather, a statement of what we will do, or die trying to do.


Class War Machines

We are machines that never sleep, machines that launch bullets against the guardians of Capital at unimaginable speed. We are machines whose sole purpose is to wage war against the existent and its defenders. This is a task that we carry out joyfully, ecstatically, for we know it is our purpose. We will wage class war everywhere, on all fronts, at all times, and we will not stop until we have completely seized the state apparatus and smashed it to pieces.



We are, to the greatest extent that is possible, trans-humanists. We despise the limits of the flesh, and seek to soar higher than ever before imagined. We are enamored by the beauty of technology; the cracking of the combat rifle as it rains fire on our opponents, the roaring of the mighty engines of a spaceship, the speed of a jet plane, the buzzing of energy in the air. We want not only to build greater and stronger marvels, but to become them. We do not simply wish to be; we want to become.



In schizo-eroticism, there is no I, there is no you, no them; there is only us. Schizo-eroticism is the shattering of the static suffocating state of the socius and the creation of a new social machine, in which each individual is a piece. One is a mouth, another an ear, someone else an anus; he’s an arm, she’s a leg, they’re a nostril, xer’s a liver. And they all come together, beautifully, like paint on a canvas, to form a perfect image. Reality blurs together; clicks and beeps and buzzes and burps and bumps; millions of little legs sprout out and touch the ground, scuttling like beetles; pimples burst and a thousand eyes cry; yet we still don’t know what the body is capable of...


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