On the Gun Control Question

On the opportunist left, there have been many calls for general disarmament of the proletariat in order to ensure “the safety of the people.” These individuals say that firearms are dangerous (who would have thought!) and that, due to the rise in gun violence, that the government must enforce harsher gun control policies. When we, who are true communists, object to such policies, and accuse the left opportunists of being in bed with the bourgeoisie, they accuse us of gatekeeping radicalism! Our answer to that; maybe if you were radical we would open our door to you! But I digress. 

The question at hand is; is gun control good? No! Of course not! The task of the class party before the revolution is education of the proletariat, propagandizing, and organizing. It’s task during the revolution, is, of course, the conquest of political power. It is extremely important that the party, and the class in general, has access to firearms during this revolutionary period, and the best way to ensure this is to secure the right to possess firearms within bourgeois society. You would think this is all very simple, but the left opportunists seem to have trouble with it. But no matter.

What, then, does marxism say about the issue of firearms? Marx says the following; “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” (Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League).

Bordiga says; “the contradiction between the productive forces and the social forms is manifested as a struggle between classes who have antagonistic economic interests. In the final stages, this struggle becomes the armed struggle for the conquest of political power.” (The Fundamentals for a Marxist Orientation).

So, how do the left opportunists propose we conquer power without arms? Not only that, pre-revolution, how will the revolutionary forces defend against the aggression of the bourgeois state?

Not only that, but gun control policies tend to harm the same people that the left opportunists claim to defend! Do they really think that the US government would use gun control laws to disarm the bourgeoisie? Or would they use it to further disempower minority communities and further solidify power in the hands of the state, power which would be used by the police to brutalize said communities? I will leave the reader to contemplate this question.


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