Theses on Queer Materialism
Identity is not determined by vague philosophical speculation, but rather, it is determined by the practice of everyday life.
Queer materialism understands that identity is not something arbitrary, but rather, it is a historically conditioned state of alienation from the difference of the self. The self yearns to be free, to overflow out of the bounds of identity.
3Identity is the realization of reification of the level of the self. In a society where commodity relations are the dominant relations, our relation to ourselves and others can only be regulated by static identities.
The end goal of queer materialism is the abolition of all static identity, of all social class. In other words, the end goal of queer materialism is communism.
The basis of queer materialism is queer negativity, that is, the negation of all former social structures and modes of being. It is upon this negation that new ways of life will be built.
There is no such thing as universal queerness separate from the mass of queer individuals that make it up. Queerness is what queer individuals make it. Thus, queer materialism rejections the existence of queerness that is an abstract object existing beyond historical conditions. It is, in this sense, a nominalist mode of thought
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